Jember city of the past situation

Jember city is where I was born and brought up to date, a district town situated in the eastern part of Java island. At the southern border with the southern sea coast which are tourist attractions Watu Ulo. The eastern part of the city of Banyuwangi and the western city of Lumajang and northern borders with the City Bondowoso. Native of Jember consists of various tribes, but the more dominant is the Madurese. Especially Jember northern region. The cool air will we feel Jember region north and east parts. This is because direct border with the mountains and mountains ijen Argopuro. To the south cendering hot, because the direct border with the South coast of Ocean Indonesia (Complete deh a mountain and beach). Very rapid development of all, many buildings and large shopping centers like the sun Dept. Store and Carefure has existed since 1991.

Jember is a farming town, because the majority of the population agriculture workers. Tobacco is the main product of this city, was already well known even to many countries. So no wonder the town of Jember city known as tobacco. Tobacco Jember has become commodity exports, especially to the city of Bremen, Germany. Jember city emblem was a picture of tobacco and the original regional dances are Lambako Dance. A dance that describes the process of planting and processing of tobacco. Planting until harvest period usually lasts from June until Okotober.

Jember is one of the regencies located in the eastern part of the province of East Java which has great tourism potential. Geographically it borders the Indonesian ocean in the south. Jember has beautiful views along the beach. In the northern and eastern part of Jember there are mountain ranges where spectacular waterfalls can be found. Jember is also famous for its plantations. Therefore many foreign tourists are interested in the agro tourism available in Jember.

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Jember City's History

DISTRICT Jember is 250 km from the capital of the province of East Java, Surabaya, is an area that depend on income from the agricultural sector. Jember district is rural.

Based on Bland State Number: 322, August 9, 1928 came into force on January 1, 1929 as the fundamental law, the Dutch government has issued regulations on the restructuring of government decentralization in the province of East Java. The official rules are published by the Secretary-General of the Government of the Netherlands Indies (The Secretary Aglemeene) GR Erdbrink, August 21, 1928.

Here State Bland No preamble. 322 of the data shows that a unit of Jember Regency society based on their own two considerations, namely:

First, the Constitutional Considerations legal, namely the point at Indiche State scheme (IS), a law that apply to the General Dutch tributary areas and in particular Article 112 first paragraph.

Secondly, political sociology, in listening to the lawsuit between the Government of the Netherlands East Indies in its discretion determine, using the figures of the local community.

This can be demonstrated that the trial of 33 members who diketuai by the Regent at the time (Hadinegoro Noto), about 24 of them are indigenous peoples. A unique and interesting, since the government the burden of Regenscap Jember acquittance debt debt after interest rates in the Rain Sheep depends Jember.

This article may be understood that the legal community in understanding the self, the implicit right to the household alone. Rain Sheep a district or administrative region and as a Regent or the Regent as head of the Regional District, is established in Article 7. The separation between the explicit and Jember Bondowoso as part of a larger region, namely Besuki described in this Article 7.

In section 2 and 4, Article 7 states that paragraph 2 of Article 121 Ordo Nasi East Java Province is the basis for making the State power Bland on the establishment of district-district in East Java. All provisions of this state declared bland apply from 1 January 1929. This is mentioned in the last article of this is bland. This is what our strong confidence that the law Jember regency council was born on January 1, 1929 as "REGENSCHAP DJEMBER.

As is often the laws and regulations, so that everyone knows that the terms of restructuring government decentralization Region Jember Regency Council at that time called rain, and also published in the federal government Sheets Dutch East Indies. Next note that, State Bland No. 322/1928 concerning the Cipanas, West Java by the Governor-General of Dutch East Indies with a decree IX, August 9, 1928.

Development in the changes as follows.

Rain Sheep Jember Government originally divided into seven regional districts on January 1, 1929 since the introduction of State Bland No. 46/1941 March 1, 1941 the Regional District parsed broken in 25-Onderdistrik, namely:

  1. District Jember, Jember onderdistrik include Wirolegi and Arjasa
  2. Kalisat District, which onderdistrik Kalisat, Ledokombo, Sumberjambe and Sukowono
  3. Rambipuji District, which onderdistrik Rambipuji, Panti, Mangli and Jenggawah
  4. Mayang County, which onderdistrik Mayang, Silo, Mumbulsari and Tempurejo
  5. District involve onderdistrik levee Embankment, Sumberbaru and Bangsalsari
  6. District Puger, including onderdistrik Puger, Kencong Gumukmas and Umbulsari
  7. District Wuluhan, including onderdistrik Wuluhan, Ambulu and Balung.

Development of the economy as quickly, allowing the emergence of centers of commerce, especially the trade of new products such as rice, palawija and others, also shifted so that the centers in the district government, district Wuluhan such as Balung, while the district Puger shifted to Kencong.

Based on the Law No.12/1950 on Regional Government in the district of East Java, the establishment of areas in the province of East Java Regency (rule), among others, Regional District be Jember Jember Regency Council.

The Government Regulation No. 14 year 1976 from April 19, 1976, the town of Jember dibentuklah Area regulation with new areas as follows : Kacamatan Jember removed and
just three new districts, each Sumbersari, Patrang and Kaliwates, while District Wirolegi become Pakusari District and Sub District Mangli become Sukorambi.

Together with the city Administrative Jember, Jember Kewedanan Region also shifted from Jember Arjasa the Arjasa of work include, Pakusari and the previous item Sukowono District Kalisat. With the change, the development of the next administrative Jember regency council currently divided into seven areas of the Regent, an area of administrative tratif and District 31, which are:

  1. City Administrative Jember, including Kec. Kaliwates, Patrang and Sumbersar
  2. Pembantu Regent in Arjasa including Kec. Arjasa, Jelbuk, Pakusari and Sukowono
  3. Pembantu Regency in Kalisat including Kec. Ledokombo and Sumberjambe Kalisat; Pembantu Regency in Mayang, including Kec. Silo, Mumbulsari and Tempurejo
  4. Pembantu Regent in Rambipuji including Kec. Rambipuji, Panti, Sukorambi, Ajung and Jenggawah
  5. Regent of bone for the District. Ambulu, Wuluhan and bones
  6. Pembantu Regent in Kencong including Kec. Kencong, Jombang, Umbulsari, Gumukmas and Puger
  7. Regent of the dike, including Kec. Sembaro, Embankment, Bangsalsari and Sumberbaru.

But autonomous region since January 1, 2001 as demand No 22/1999 on Regional Government, the Government of Jember Regency Council has also implemented regulatory and institutional structure of organizations, including institutions of dihapusnya now the Regent of the coordinating agency head.

Then in the rotating wheels of the government in the era of regional autonomy, the government assisted four Jember District Coordination Office Head, respectively:

Coordination Office in the West Camat Jember Tanggul
Co-ordination Office Head South Jember in bone
Coordination Office Camat Tengan in Jember Rambipuji
Coordination Office Camat Jember in East Kalisat

While the new institutions established in connection with the autonomous region, the six agencies, Office 21 and nine regional offices and secretariat will monitor 10. With regard to the study, then right into the so-72 Jember Regency a new phase in the system of decentralization or autonomy. This district is entirely responsible for the organization and management of the household according to their own wishes and aspirations of the population according to the by-laws rules and regulations
READ MORE - Jember City's History
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